Josh Heavin
Josh is a "curate," which is like a pastoral residency, overseeing Family Ministry at Church of the Resurrection. He was ordained as a deacon and began serving as a curate at Church of the Resurrection in June of 2023. In the prior decade, he served in a range of ministry roles in Baptist, Presbyterian, and Anglican churches, and underwent the discernment process for a call to ministry from 2019 to 2023 at Christ Church Plano, where he served in several roles.
He first visited Church of the Resurrection in 2022, and after getting to know several people and the ethos of the church, sensed the Lord was leading to help with family ministry when an opportunity emerged! Josh has a Ph.D. in New Testament Studies from the University of Aberdeen/Trinity College Bristol, an M.Div. from Redeemer Seminary in Dallas, and is currently in his final course at Trinity School for Ministry for a Certificate in Anglican Studies.
For several years he has taught online courses for Houston Theological Seminary, works full-time for a banking software company, and writes essays and books as time allows. Josh was born and raised in the Texas Panhandle, loves reading, running, and Tex-Mex food, and he and his wife Lauren have two young children. If he could travel to one place it would be to visit cathedrals and walk through the countryside in the UK!